1:1 Rebirthing breathwork

1:1 provides a more private and intimate session. 1:1 is perfect for those who want the session focused on them & that aren’t keen on the idea of sharing energy and being vulnerable in a large group setting.

In a 1:1 session i get to take the time to connect and get to know where you are truly at in life and what goals you want to achieve in the session.

We can use breath for relaxation, resetting the nervous system, work through our stress and trauma, enhance creativity, promote better sleep and reduce stress. We all carry body memory and it be forgotten about over the years of our lifetime, through breath we can access this & process it. This allows us to cleanse, and reset our nervous system for a much clearer, lighter & new found path ahead.

Everybody’s breath journey will look different as we all have a different story and journey in life. Our own intention for our healing sets the bar.

You are your own healer, I simply hold this space for you to navigate your own healing journey, your intention & ability to surrender and trust the process will allow your body to do what it needs to do.✨

Group Event

Group Rebirthing event session held in Kinglake at the at the Kinglake West Mechanics Institute on the 2nd of June. Visit the link below for tickets.

“Your journey is beautifully yours”